Mixed media paintings capture hearts of art lovers
Over 10 countries promoting Tejaswi Poojari to the level of a global artist
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A distinguished online store is grabbing attention of art lovers with an exclusive collection of paintings made by its founder. In an exclusive interview with Bizz Buzz, Kolor Kovela Founder Tejaswi Poojari shares how she incorporated this different style in her art and excelled in making exclusive collection of paintings in this competitive world.
Showcasing unique art with resin on acrylic paintings is something very few have heard of till today. Tejaswi's paintings are based on unique mixed media which is incorporated on her acrylic paintings. "This interesting mixed media art style of incorporating iridescent media into my acrylic paintings fascinated my clients and customers," she says.
Art has been a passion for Tejaswi ever since her childhood. "After receiving my first award in arts at the age of five, my parents recognised my talent and encouraged me in taking up art as my hobby," she said. Having extreme passion for painting, she continued to learn new techniques in art, when she was working as a clinical research associate.
As her love for art grew, she turned her hobby into a full time profession. Initially she started teaching art to young creative minds. "Kids love art and we love teaching them. We always encourage creative minds by conducting art workshops and camps," says Tejaswi.
Simultaneously her artworks were also displayed at various expos, national events and even international online exhibitions. "I decided to start a home-based studio named Kolor Kovela, the temple of arts and launched my own website in 2019 with just 20 artworks," said Tejaswi.
Slowly the products were launched on other international e-commerce websites like Etsy, Artmajeur and Saatchiart. The business grew over time and today Tejaswi's work is recognised over 10 countries, promoting her to the level of a "Global artist".
The artist experiments with iridescent media like glow in the dark paints, natural crystals, crushed glass, glitter, reflective media and even illuminating string lights. These media are carefully embellished into her acrylic paintings using resin which makes her creations attractive and unique to her art lovers. Especially her glow in the dark paintings and luminous paintings are in demand right now. She has been having plans on coming up with more creations to amaze enthusiastic art collectors.
"Art has the power to make us think outside the box, ask questions, fascinate and inspire curiosity. Kolor Kovela is a place dedicated to worship such art. From colorful coasters to luxurious artworks, we have a collection of home decor to choose from," says the founder.
According to customers' wish, the artist also customises their desired art using the art commission services.
To make Kolor Kovela useful for people, art tutorials and time lapse videos are released on various social media handles to help beginners learn new techniques. It also teams up with other talented creators through its collaboration services.
"Success cannot be achieved without struggles and failures. They both go hand in hand. Entrepreneurship demands time and patience," says Tejaswi. Art is similar to science, where the artist experiments with new media to create a unique piece. Most of the experiments fail, where all the time and money that has been invested in the product goes in vain.
"Raising a child and business are both equally important. It often becomes difficult to balance personal and professional life. Luckily my family supports me in this matter and I'm still working on maintaining this balance by being more productive in limited time," said the founder.
The website markets itself through social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest. "As we have listed our products in several e- commerce websites, they promote our products as well," says Tejaswi. When clients or customers are satisfied with the artist's services, word of mouth is a powerful means of advertising and popularises the website in every nook and corner.
"Even collaborating with other entrepreneurs helped us grow faster. We also put up our products at market stalls and expos for publicity and sales," said the founder.
The website was started with minimum investment, wherein loan was not a major requirement. "When Kolor Kovela was launched in 2019, we invested Rs 30,000 for art supplies and photography equipment. More than money, we invested in time," said Tejaswi. After three years, the website has been getting regular art commissions and collaborations. By the end of the year, the founder is planning to work with new artisans and interior designers.
Kolor Kovela has been tying up with artisans from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh who make beautiful wall decor with natural crystals, brass and copper. "In collaboration with them we are going to launch new home decor collection in the next 6 months," said Tejaswi.
Tejaswi says, "Learn rules like a pro, so that you can break them like an artist. But growing as an entrepreneur I realised that everything in life comes with a set of rules and obeying those rules and procedures will help you grow." Kolor Kovela abides by the rules of the government and is entrepreneur-friendly.
Tejaswi asserts that when one is starting their own brand, one should do a deep research about their unique products that they are going to launch. "Is the product in trend now? Do you have more competitors? Do you have enough funds to produce, launch and market the product? and many more parameters should be looked upon," she says.
Using the power of social media to market one's products and attracting customers with sale strategies is a very important task and at the same time, maintaining a good relationship with clients and customers is also very significant. "Remember that you should always work hard in silence and let success make the noise," says Tejaswi. Adding about her journey as an artist, she says, "There are very few artists globally who create this kind of mixed media art and I'm proud to say that I'm one among them."